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with Justy Phillips
Project documentation - Hobart,Tasmania 27 advertising billboards throughout the city
23 March – 1 April 2007
Ten Days on the Island, 2007


  write/here website archive  
  write/here book (PDF download)  
  write/here documentation (PDF download)  
  write/here conference presentation (PDF download)  

The write/here project documented public and personal relationships with the city of Hobart. The project transformed every available advertising billboard in the city into bold red signs that told intimate stories based on everyday experiences, memories and opinions.

Each billboard presented a single narrative text - a personal response to life in Hobart written by individuals from different community groups such as: recent arrivals to Tasmania from Iran, Sudan, Sierra Leone and the Congo; prison inmates; nursing home clients; college students; Aboriginal Elders; and anonymous submissions from general public through a number of writing workshops and a web forum.


This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.

This project was assisted through Arts Tasmania by the Minister for Tourism, Arts and the Environment.

The project was supported by the University of Tasmania, School of Art

  write-2 write-3  
  write-4 write-5  
  write-6 write-7  
  Photography: Justy Phillips and James Newitt