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The Rehearsal
HD video with surround sound 
40:10 min

Written and directed by James Newitt
Choreography: Miguel Pereira
Performers: Cláudio da Silva, Flora Detraz and Miguel Pereira
Movement therapist: Ana Oliveira

Also with: Sara Palácios, Fidelia Lutterbeck, Matthieu Grade Ehrlichia, Vera Piechulla, Eva Baudry, Romain Teule, Bartosch Rippstein, Claire Buisson, Laurent Kappler, Helena Dawin, Sara Correia, Layla Bucaretchi, Mickaella Dantas, Sofia Sarmento, Luis André Sá and Cláudio Filipe Vieira.

Camera: Gert Verboven, James Newitt and Trygve Luktvasslimo
Sound recording: Vasco Pedroso
Sound mixer: Mário Dias, Digital Azul Audiovisuais, Lisboa
Editing: James Newitt

Special thank you to: Ana Oliveira; O Rumo do Fumo, Lisboa; Sara Magno; São Luiz Teatro Municipal; Margarida Pacheco; Cátia Gourinho Mateus; Margarida Mendes; Susan Gibb; Emily Wardill; and Jürgen Bock

Filmed at São Luiz Teatro Municipal

This film was commissioned by Carriageworks, Sydney as part of the upcoming exhibition '24 Frames per Second’

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.


‘The Rehearsal’ explores relationships between psychology and the body. The film questions what human behaviours are imitated, fabricated, real or subconscious and how we may recognise the differences between these behaviours.

The project was developed in collaboration with a choreographer, actor, a group of dancers and a psychoanalyst who specialises in movement therapy. The film captures an intense process of repetition, exhaustion and manipulation which is at times confronting, humorous and profound.

‘The Rehearsal’ weaves together a series of interrelated scenarios which occur within a theatrical context but without a visible audience. As the scenarios unfold, a sense of fatigue becomes evident and the façade of each ‘performance’ ruptures. ‘The Rehearsal’ is a film that exposes its own fictional construction by progressively deconstructing the elements that compose it.
